Potion for Curing Depression

Fruit of the mycelium, photo by Stubby Webb 2021.

An ancient and much sought after recipe (that I just made up):

Place the cauldron on a tripod over a medium fire.
Preparation time: decades. Cook time: as long as you need.
Serves ... well,  you and everybody around you, to be honest,
but let's just say ... five. 

Take one measure of humility, but just you be sure there are no fucks hiding within -
you have given this thing too much already, whatever it is.
Tears, as many as you have - you can always boil them off if the broth gets too thin.
If tears aren't available, pray for rain.

Remembrance, through mature eyes, none of this nostalgia, no protecting anyone anymore;
If somebody was a dick to you, you don't have to like 'em, 
but understand, everybody is in pain (and we may never know the whole of it),
and it's pain that causes the pain.

Thorn of rose and thornwood tree
Bitterroot and love lies bleeding
Madness wort and anger bloom
Frozen heart and broken broom

Mix with the cracked and battered wooden spoon once used
to remind a recalcitrant child who was in charge.
Break the wooden spoon in half and feed to the fire
to hasten the fading of those old scars

A few more tears may be added at this point, if available;
if not, you might consider adding a long, anguished scream.
"Why?" always brings out some richness in the broth,
but "Enough!" might lighten our darker stars.

Take three deep breaths, and blow them hard onto the flames,
releasing every petty thought and desire,
releasing every moment of guilt and shame,
releasing every time you blamed yourself.

Take three more breaths, and blow them into the steam,
sending to starlight all lingering doubt,
sending to moonlight all resistance to change,
sending to Source all anguish now felt.

Sit back, relax, eyes unfocused, breathe slow
Call up the love within and without.
Know that you are stronger than those who hurt you
by measures unmeasurable by any science.

When the thorns are softened, and the herbs and flowers dissolved,
add the purest, sweetest honey you can find.
Stir thirteen times, and taste.
Pour into mismatched mugs, and offer to the Universe.
Do you need a potion to help you wrestle your pain? SoundWorks can help.

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