Witches Work

Creepy witchy mojo at Squire Point with Ashling Webb and Mumsy Baker.

Gather ’round the bubbling cauldron, dearies …

Sometimes you just need to saddle up the broomstick and go take care o’ business. The highest court in the US in occupied largely by the lowest of the low. Failed humans sheltering a criminal who committed treason in order to stay in power indefinitely. Unconscionable, intolerable. VOTE.

I wrote this song a while back, and kind of forgot about it, but found it recently while searching for another song, and realized the recording I did whenever I did it was damn good, so … here it is, with extreme timeliness.

Witches Work

Come on come on, all my Witches
Get into my kitchen, there’s work to be done
We gotta bubble up this cauldron, here in my kitchen
And bubble up some trouble for the foolish ones

Come on come on, all my Witches
What are the ingredients that you bring?
We need a spell for justice, here in my kitchen
Protect and strengthen every living thing

Cuz witches work is never done
We circle around the fire one by one
In every thought and deed we pray
That love and justice finally win the day

Come on come on, all my Witches
What is the magic in your cup?
We need a spell to hold racists feet to the fire
Or no lives will matter if they keep this up

Come on come on, all my Witches
What are the potions you have to hand?
We need a spell to crush the brutality that’s rising
To end the pain and suffering across this land

Come on come on, all my Witches
You know that we can do this, we can raise the power
It’s time to rise up, starting here in my kitchen
To save democracy before it’s all over

Come on come on, all my Witches
Get in my kitchen, there’s work to be done
It’s gonna take all the magic in our power
To save this democracy before it’s gone

Want to hear more? I pepper songs into the mix of things around here. Subscribe for all the tunes and news.

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