A couple months ago I had a really intense Shamanic journey to visit our local river god, Jahiowa, who gave me some pretty clear marching orders: Write intentionally healing music that expresses the beauty, joy, and comfort of the land, and share it with as many people as you possibly can. It occurred to me a few days ago that the best thing I can do is try to help people find their way out of fight-or-flight, and music is one of the best ways to do that. So here we are.
This is the first song I wrote after that meeting, and it sure makes me feel happy when I listen to it, so … it must be what Jahiowa was talking about! Enjoy!
Gravity (Got Nothin’ On Me)
My heart is a feather, my feet light on the ground
My thoughts are an arrow, already cloud bound
And gravity got nothin’ on me today
Gravity got nothin’ on me
The sky endless blue, the leaves lit up and shimmering
Earth Mother made us to see all this and sing
I’m gonna spill some joy from my fingers and my mouth
I’m gonna share it with you cuz beauty is truth
I kick up my heels and dance like a little fawn
I feel myself sprout wings so I can chase down the dawn
I hear Earth Mother’s song, she breathes it into me
It’s been there all along, but today it’s a symphony
Sky fills up with stars as the velvet shroud slips around
They pour down their love and sing without a sound
Or, join me over on Substack for some extra content, like a Songwriter’s Workshop and a Sound Healer’s Corner for each song posted for some deeper insights.