So this song is about the sensual magic of books.
The first person I ever knew who openly talked about book-sniffing totally admitted to being a “dirty book sniffer.” For him it was a clandestine pleasure, opening a book and breathing in the smell of paper and ink while no one was looking and then pretending he was just a perfectly normal person, nothin’ to see here, move along.
But think about it: books are their own universes. Fiction is all about made-up stuff. People who never existed – or who’s lives are being rearranged in a vaguely plausible way to support the story being told. Worlds and places that aren’t real. Countries that never existed. So books are as magical as unicorns, really, and as ephemeral in their own ways.
Open a book and breathe in, and yes, you are taking in the smell of the paper and ink, but also the touch and breath of previous readers, the scents of all the places and times where the book has been read. You’re connecting with every soul who has ever read it, through your eyes and your nose and your hands, and if you read it aloud, through your ears and your voice. Um. Do not lick the books, please. That might be going a step too far.
Enjoy I Wish I Was A Book.
I wish I was a book you'd like to read
You'd open me and breathe in my pages
You'd caress my spine so reverently
And sit with me at an old oaken table
To find out what's inside
Poetry, geometry, or questing knights
To see what's inside
Could it be the great love story of our lives?
I wish I was a book you'd like to read
You’d carry me around in your breast pocket
So I could feel your heartbeat close to me
And be your best companion out walking
Find out what's inside
Poetry or madness or the sweetest night
Find out what's inside
Could it be the great love story of our lives?
Your fingers gently trace my every word
You pause to caress a favorite line
I hope that you find something so good
That you want to keep me with you all the time
I wish I was a book
(Little instrumental break)
And see what's inside
Flowers pressed to defy passage of time
Find out what's inside
Could it be the great love story of our lives?
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