Blackbirds have been constant … harbingers? companions? somethings? for much of my life.
It is, of course, extremely possible that there are just a lot of them around these parts and I have had a lot of opportunities to observe and interact with them. And maybe be observed by them, because who knows, they’re definitely a hell of a lot smarter than we give them credit for being. Because we underestimate everybeing.
I have written a couple songs about blackbirds recently, and since I’m on a song binge, and also (unbeknownst to you at the moment) a hope binge, I thought I’d lay this hopeful blackbird song on your ears, just for fun. Enjoy.
Blackbird singin’ from the highest branch
of the tallest tree on the hill
Sing to me cousin of the news you bring
or a story if you will
Well, I don’t know, you two-leg critters
don’t listen very well
But if you shut your mouth and open your ears
a tale to you I’ll tell
I nodded my head and sat right down
ready to receive
Any story or song the bird decided
he wanted to give to me
He whistles a tune of sad, dark beauty
such as I had never heard
My spine tingled and tears flowed
and he flew off without a word
But something in me changed
I’ll never be the same
I’m part of it and it’s a part of me
Blackbird singin’ in a lonely tree
in the middle of a parking lot
Singin’ a song as I walked by
my imagination caught
I stood still and listened hard
until he flew away
And I struggle to remember that
melody to this very day
Blackbird hiding in a tall pine tree
singin’ anyway
Blackbird tell me, what it is
that you’re tryin’ to say
Well two-leg, I’ll tell you true
now that I have your ear
If you listen deep to Nature’s news
it’s all you need to hear
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