A client recently mentioned they’d seen some videos about cymatics and asked, “Is that what’s happening when you do sound healing?”
Exactly that!
Our cells are made largely of water, and water forms into beautiful patterns when exposed to certain frequencies. It brings the water “in tune” and sets up this lovely evidence of resonance.
Hans Jenny was the first “discoverer” of this phenomenon. He used a sand table as well as water to generate images of different frequencies. There are many that are simply static, but when you get one tuned in that brings the substance into coherence, images like those above seem to materialize. It’s a beautiful process.
Masuru Emoto, a scientist, was studying the memory of water, and tried an experiment. He taped positive and negative messages to bottles of water which he froze, and later cut with one of those fancy saws and looked at under a microscope – and the ice crystals that formed in samples with words like Love and Joy and Gratitude were perfect and splendid, and the words that formed in samples with words like Hate and Kill and Fear were broken, and some were downright sludgy.
In the movie What the Bleep Do We Know? Amanda, the protagonist, charmingly played by Marlee Matlin, visits a gallery with photos of Emoto’s work hanging on the walls. She is struggling with a lot of self-hate and spending a lot of time drinking, but after seeing the photos and reading about the experiment, she returns home, has a long soak in the bath, and then draws hearts and writes affirmations all over her body (with colored pencils? maybe eyeliner? I don’t know) and gazes at herself in a mirror. This helps her get her life back on track, which if taken seriously it certainly would.
Water has memory. Water is intelligent. We are mostly water.
Putting a singing bowl, tuning fork, or other instrument on the body and gently letting it sound brings the water in the body into coherence, and instantly into a higher state of well-being and overall health. It. Works. You don’t have to believe it, it’s gonna happen. Water has an intelligence we can’t even fathom. Water exposed to hateful messages becomes sludgy and gross. Water exposed to messages of healing, love, and support becomes pure and crystalline.
Hell yeah you need sound healing. Don’t we all? I never cease to be astonished by the transformations I see on my table. Sometimes it’s subtle, sometimes it’s enormous. Sometimes we’re so out of tune that coming into coherence hurts a little bit, and that’s okay, too. I know when to back off and stop when it’s too much. Next time it will feel way better, I promise. Even a feeling of discomfort is an indication that something is changing.
I had a client once who could barely stand even the softest sound, he would literally writhe in an agonizing emotional storm. I played as softly as I could, the lowest frequencies I had – and I stopped after barely thirty minutes. After walking in the yard for about five minutes, he came in and said, “You fixed my damned shoulder! How’d you do that?” And he smiled and even laughed for the first time in weeks.
Your water is smart, too, and it loves you and will take care of you. Give yourself some messages of love and coherence. Put them around your bed, on your bathroom mirror, stick them to your water bottle. Healing. Love. Vitality. Peace. Coherence. Joy. Ease. I get distilled water delivered because you really can’t trust the water in this town at all, and I put messages of affirmation on sticky notes and stick them to the water every time. I can actually taste the difference. If I don’t do it, the water tastes funny. It’s no longer joy flavored. Not even kidding. Try it. There’s literally no way to lose.
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