Well, it happens sometimes, doesn’t it?
We need to hole up and be hermits for a while, us introverts anyway. I can’t seem to recharge enough lately, and I’m not sure why. It might be atmospheric, social, political, environmental, solar storms … could be anything, honestly. But the struggle is very real, and I’m sorry if you feel like I’ve ghosted you.
Call it a dark night of the soul if you wish. I’m okay, just processing a lot of stuff and needing to stick my nose in books and get myself lost in daydreams in order to stay out of the way of my subconscious doing the filing that piled up in 2023.
I’m slowly starting to find my way out of it, but I’m not there yet. I’m still fleeing to the comfy chair and hiding behind book covers multiple times a day, and despite thinking that’s about to go away, it doesn’t. In fact, there are still days when me and my pajamas barely make it out of the chair to eat and pee. Not even kidding. If I didn’t have to do those things I’d probably have rigor mortis.
But having to do those things means okay, I do the thing, and then I make myself do a little something else on the way back to the chair, like throw a load of laundry in or make the bed or pick up a guitar for five minutes. Eventually the little things will add up to bigger things. Somedays I have to go out into the wide, wide world and do stuff, and then look out chair, I’m so into you.
So this morning, my break from the chair includes making this brief post, just to let you know I don’t have rigor mortis, and surely I will soon be up to whatever normal is going to be going forward because I don’t even remember what that was before March of 2020 came in like a lion riding a pissed-off dragon.
SoundWorks is open, I’m seeing clients, and would actually like to see more because being in the sound helps me as much as it helps you. Love-out to my healing team, Megan Valencia, Sandy Kemp, and Tanya English, who are keeping me whole through this. And I’m back in the band with Family Folk Machine, too, which heals my heart big time. See, some things are happening (saying this as much to myself as to you). If you are finding yourself in the same straights I am, no matter where you are in the world, I am well equipped to help and have a double helping of empathy to offer right now. Y’all come. And be in sound health. Love and hugs, everybody.
“…surely I will soon be up to whatever normal is going to be going forward because I don’t even remember what that was before March of 2020 came in like a lion riding a pissed-off dragon.”