There’s a beautiful tradition about the Goddess Brighid (Celtic Minerva) that I try to observe as often as I can.
On the night before Imbolc, which is generally observed on February 1 so the night of January 31, she walks the land, spreading her blessing over the fields and through the homes, touching all the sleepers, especially the children – and if you leave your coat outside, she’ll give it a special blessing to keep you safe, warm, and protected from all harm.
What a sweet and useful Goddess!
Back when dinosaurs roamed Iowa I wrote a song about being outside alone in the dark, lighting a fire, observing the magic of the night, raising a glass to Brighid, and pulling her cloak around me close to feel the warmth, protection and love. I decided we could all use a little of that right now. Enjoy Brighid’s Cloak!
Winter's turning came with wind and cold The ground covered with ice and snow But the days are getting longer again You can feel winter slip away As the day turns to twilight I pull Brighid's Cloak around me tight Out under the stars tonight I'll take my place in it all I am a leaf on a branch of a tree with many rings I am a word in a book of many pages And I am a hill on the land I am the fingers of one hand As the moon rises higher Gather kindling and lay a fire I seek the warmth of the flames To strengthen me on my way As I surrender to the moonglow I pull Brighid's Cloak around me close And forget everything I know As I sink into it all I am a leaf on a branch of a tree with many rings I am a word in a book of many pages And I am a drop in the sea I am a salmon's silver leap When the fire starts to burn Drink from the cup, but a measure reserve Saying I offer this portion to you To whom we all must return And as the flames leap to banish the dark I pull Brighid's Cloak around my heart I'm safe as though I'm in her arms And I give thanks for it all I am a leaf on a branch of a tree with many rings I am a word in a book of many pages And I am the strength in a name I am a candle's dancing flame I am a leaf on a branch of a tree with many rings I am a word in a song passed down for ages And I am a light in the sky I am a poet's raging fire
Wonderful song! Thank you for sharing