I write a lot about how science and “psience” are strange bedfellows.
It’s not that we don’t like science over here – we do! Very much! However … science tends to see a lot of things as black-and-white issues, one way or another, right or wrong, sci-way or high-way. And it gets a little old after a while. Even when we do agree on something, there’s usually some up-its-own-butt sciencey thing about how my experience really isn’t valid, or it’s only happening because of blah blah blah.
You know what? Get over yourself, Science. I’m just going to say it: There’s the Material, quantifiable world, and then there’s the ineffable, Experiential world, and rarely do they come into alignment. And that’s probably by design, to be honest. If you were God, wouldn’t you want to keep all your mysteries mysterious? Where’s the fun in knowing every damn thing?
Let me break it down a bit. I get a lot of my insight and information from my Spirit Family, a team of helpers that surrounds and sustains me, all the time. We hug every morning and it’s awesome. Some of them have been with me since I was little. My parents thought I had imaginary friends. And for a given value of imaginary, they were right – but not in the way they understood it. I was having real conversations with real intelligences that were giving me guidance above and beyond what my parents were capable of from the time I could talk. They still know stuff there is no possible way I could know. Stuff that always checks out. I have completely stopped questioning it and just trust that if I need to know something, somebody’s gonna tell me.
If I was to tell that to a psychologist? I’m not sure what they would do with that, since it isn’t causing me any distress whatsoever, and it isn’t putting me or anyone else in danger, and in fact, there is great love and joy and inspiration and creative power available to me that I honestly don’t know if I’d have otherwise. Their presence in my life is always to the good. They have saved my life on a few memorable occasions as well.
But “science” would never call them real, and would never endorse my experience.
Stuck in the Material, measurable world, they would say I have some flavor of dissociative identity disorder, or conscious alter egos, or delusions of some sort. And from their perspective, measuring what they can measure and observing what they can observe, they would be able to point to a diagnosis and sleep just fine that night.
But in the Experiential world, they are not only wrong, they are missing the mark by leaps and bounds. They are cutting themselves off from wonders. They are erasing the experience of hundreds of thousands of years of the development of Consciousness, which they can’t even understand, because it’s so … ineffable. What I am experiencing can’t be seen or documented or measured or poked or prodded, so it must not exist. But let’s admit that Consciousness has not changed much since those ancient cave paintings were made 25,000-40,000 years ago.
Let’s just talk about the history of the study of consciousness for a minute. Consciousness has been studied for thousands of generations by shamans, curanderos, medicine carriers, witches, druids, yogis, and pharaohs, to name but a few, with or without the assistance of the sacred mushrooms or herbs that serve as the gateway openers to the Gods within. These people passed down knowledge through multiple generations, and when humans started writing things down, these ideas and experiences, minutely documented, were some of the first things ever written. Thousands of years ago in India, people started writing about the mind and the energy bodies and the chakra system as if they were all real because they are real, documenting their experiences, their experiments, their observations, with infinite patience and detail. We have an incredible wealth of information that we experience as absolutely real and accurate and true.
But you can’t measure it, you can’t count it, you can’t do an equation of it.
It just is. And that’s it. It just is. And people who study the brain and the nervous system and the mind say, yeah, okay, there’s something happening there, and something happening there, but you cannot get them to take the word Chakra seriously. Even when it is spinning in their face like a damned top. The Chakra system is a step too far. We can’t see it, touch it, pick it up on any sensor known to science, therefore it does not exist.
Except it does. We can feel them in action when they spin up over something. Our experience of having a Chakra system is not invalidated by the failure of any scientific instruments to be sensitive enough to actually observe, little say measure them. We know they’re there. That’s all that matters. And that applies for any and all spiritual experience, event, or contact, all the angels that we know are surrounding us, all the ancestors that speak through our cells and reverberate in our bones in ways there simply are no words for in either of these realities. If you know, you know.
Citizenship in one world does not make one bunch superior to the other. We’re just … living on the other side of the veil from each other. And maybe, just maybe, the veil we’ve all heard so much about, be it the veil between the spirit world and the material world, or the veil between this world and the Otherworld, or the veil of Maya separating the material human experience from the bliss of the eternal, is the veil we live with every day. The veil separates the Material from the Experiential, even here in Middle Realm. It’s okay. There’s probably a good reason for it. We can be happy over here beyond the veil, heading ever deeper into the Mystery. There isn’t a Materialist explanation for most of what we do on any given day. I’m good with it. You? Thought so.