What would happen if, instead of a boy, the Earth-Mother’s Solstice birthing produced a girl?
I have a fuzzy idea of where that thought came from, but I don’t think it really matters. What matters is, what would happen if we ran the cycle of the year through cooperative, feminine power instead of dominating male force?
We’re no longer a community of farmers, so the boy-meets-girl fertility rites once so essential are not so critical now. The landscape around here is smothered in monoculture – corn and corn, and oh look, over there, some soy beans, how exciting. But it’s not for feeding people. Most of it is for making diesel or supplementing gasoline. Yes, our cars can run on plant food not fit for human consumption – yay, but … we’re killing the aquafers and destroying the topsoil and encouraging erosion and using up unconscionable amounts of water doing it.
Maybe if the Sun God was a Sun Goddess, we’d finally perfect affordable solar powered cars.
Our landscape is also dotted with horrifyingly awful hog containment centers, which are, literally, poisoning the air and making the water table so toxic it’s unsafe to use for much of anything. “B-b-but … muh bacon! Gotta have muh bacon! “
Maybe if the Sun was a Goddess, we’d see the cruelty of what we’re doing to living, intelligent beings,
and rethink the artery-clogging, bloat-inducing, colon-diseasing bacon-with-every-meal hedonism that we’ve embraced for what it really is.
Our cities are full of hopelessly depressed, anxious, struggling people trying to make it through another work day so they can continue living indoors. Entertainment largely consists of the pursuit of altered states of consciousness, and the most attainable substance is, of course, highly addictive and varyingly poisonous alcohol. There are vanishingly few social gathering spaces where alcohol is not the soul and center. Between beer and bacon, I’m surprised the planet is still over-populated. Alcohol numbs inside and out, making real human connection more and more difficult with every drink.
Maybe our Sun Goddess would help us learn to be still and see what we really are,
and help us learn to love ourselves enough to open to real connection without fear of being hurt.
Maybe we’d learn true compassion and treat each other with the reverence Divine Beings deserve. Maybe we’d feed the hungry and heal the sick and house the homeless and give people a reason to seek a deeper connection to life and community. rather than fear it. Maybe we’d stop ranking people by their skin color, or their sex, or their gender, or their sexual orientation. Maybe we could just value the contribution of each precious human for the essential part of our wholeness that it is, and shut the fuck up about the rest of it.
Maybe. If the Sun God was a Sun Goddess for a while.
I think it might take more than a year, though.