We have the space-time field, morphogenic fields, magnetic fields … but I think we need to consider fielding one more … field …
Mr. Rogers described love as a verb, like struggle. Love is active, to love, to be loved. Love isn’t some static thing just laying around until we need it. Love is something we do, and something we need to practice – a lot more.
But I think it’s bigger than that. I think it’s a field, like time and space, and maybe it’s the mysterious “dark energy” everybody says has to exist but nobody can see because it’s invisible. Love is all around us, all the time. The more we breathe it in and breathe it out, the more we offer it to others, the more we accept it from others, the more we steep in it for our own well being, the more love we have to work with.
Some physicists are saying that time doesn’t exist – and they’re right, it’s a construct. Richard Feynman famously defined it as “the thing that keeps everything happening at once” – but it’s not something you can see or feel or eat for lunch. It’s another field. Space also doesn’t really exist, it’s just the … field where everything happens. Everything has to be somewhere in order for things to happen to it. The Universe is, apparently, holographic. All the things that ever did, do, or will exist in the entire universe are around the edges of the universe, while everything happens in the Universal Field. Yeah, I have a rough time with that one, too, but apparently the mathy types say that’s how it all works.
Consciousness is all that there is, all that everything is. Nothing is not consciousness, and everything that happens takes place in a field that doesn’t really exist, subject to another field that also doesn’t exist but keeps everything from happening at once, and it’s all in your head, only your head isn’t real, it’s just a construct of consciousness … except it is real, in a way.
Now I remember why I became a musician and not a scientist. Whew.
The point is, if it’s all made up and subject to consciousness anyway, why not choose to exist in a field of Love instead of a field of Struggle, or a field of Pain? Love can be tough, it doesn’t necessarily mean that we won’t stumble or make mistakes or have to learn – hell, love is The Best Teacher ever anyway. Why not choose to live in the Field of Love? It’s expansive, inclusive, supportive, wise, and just. What’s not to love? And it may take a minute, but Love Always Wins. Period.
Take a few moments every morning, and it doesn’t have to be any big ritually kind of business, just a quick fifteen-second thing, take a slow breath, close your eyes, and say, “I choose to live in a Field of Love.” Try it for a week and see how it goes. If you like what you find, keep it up, and after twenty-one days, it should be a habit, and that’s when things can start to get really interesting.
Do you love the idea of love, but don’t feel confident you’re doin’ it right? Sound Healing can release some traumas and resistance and help you open up to everything that love can be.