The idea of coherence was recently brought gently back into my attention, and it feels like something we all need to be aware of and practice.
When two things are in sync, when brainwaves and heartbeats entrain, we call that coherence. Entrainment is when, for example, two clocks started at different times in the same space start ticking together. Our brainwaves entrain when we play music, have a deep conversation with someone, make love from an authentic place, sing in a choir of voices, and so on. Coherence is the name of that state of being together.
When an energy healer is working on a person, their brainwaves generally drop to around 7.8Hz, which is in the Alpha range, where waking awareness lives. We feel alert but our intuition is turned up to 11, and often we can see and feel and hear things that are “really there” that other people aren’t aware of. Really good healers will bring their clients into coherence at 7.8Hz as well.
But the big news about that is, 7.8Hz is the dominant frequency of the planet, called Schumann Resonance, which was measured by geophysicists in the 1960s. Schumann Resonance used to be around 7.43Hz, but has sped up in recent years (hmmm, wonder why?) and now seems pretty consistent at 7.8.
But one of the most interesting things is that when someone who is adept at entering that Alpha range and coming into coherence with Gaia’s own song, wears a brainwave tracker for several days, their brainwaves fluctuate exactly with the fluctuations of Schumann Resonance as solar flares and solar wind distort the magnetosphere. Pretty cool, huh?
Best part is, getting into Alpha is as easy as intending to do it.
But we all like a little razzmatazz sometimes, so let me give you a quick and easy micro-ritual that you can do to get yourself there, anytime, anyplace.
- Take a slow easy breath and close your eyes if you are safe to do so.
- Let that breath out gently and easily.
- Place your active (dominant) hand over your heart as you say out loud or inside, “I open to Divine guidance.”
- Place your receptive hand over your abdomen as you say, “I open to connection to the Heart of Gaia.”
- Just be there.
That’s it. So easy. Actually, the very act of taking a slow breath and closing your eyes will get you there, but staying there for a bit requires a little more focus. It’s nice to have a ritual to help you achieve that state, especially at first. You’ll get the hang of it in no time, and once you are used to feeling yourself in that state, you’ll know it instantly. And really, I want to be in Alpha as much as possible! It feels so great! I want to live in Alpha!
Alpha is where … well, it’s where things can start to get Wyrd. It’s like the first layer of coolness in the coolness cake of consciousness. Beta, where we have been trained by our culture to be stuck, is a giant spiritual blind spot. It’s okay if you are studying for a test or memorizing math facts or … I don’t know. Is it? Well, maybe. It’s just very very … straight. Alpha states can enhance nearly anything and everything you do. No, really. Let’s think about it for a hot minute.
- Meetings. Turn your intuition on before you go in, and you’ll remain calm, speak from a place of more authority, and have an insane amount of insight about what’s really going on in all the petty wars and conflicts that plague all office cultures.
- Parenting. Oh. My. God. Must I enumerate the reasons? Okay, I’ll throw down some. More patience. Seeing the deeper, wider, older, ancestral trauma and DNA-related picture. Remembering your own ridiculous youth. Holding a perspective of “this person is not mine to control, but I am responsible for their well-being because they do not yet have the experience that I have.”
- Nature time. Self-explanatory.
- Religious situations. Why wouldn’t you want to open yourself to the highest frequencies and feel a little closer to Source?
- Creativity. Open up to the firehose of Divine inspiration and let ‘er rip! Let me tell ya, there’s nothing like being in the Waterfall from which words and music drop from the sky. I’ve been there a lot recently, and it’s a rush unlike any other. I have often opened to be a channel for Starry Wisdom to come through, and I don’t think it’s possible to go wrong.
- Be a magnet at parties. Oh yes. Drop into Alpha before you walk in the room and see what happens. You may not cause a hush to fall over the crowd, but people will notice you are there and be drawn to your amazing energy.
And so on. But you have to cultivate your experience in Alpha. Spend a lot of time working on it, breathing in it, doing nothing, listening deeply (with your whole body), having conversations, listening to music, watching birds, enjoying sunsets, staring up at stars, holding space for a friend … When you become coherent with Earth Resonance, the world slows down around you, you open a channel for love, and people feel better being close to you. You don’t have to give advice, you just have to … let people be with you to feel like everything will work out.
And your blood pressure will go down, your cholesterol will come into better balance, you will have more energy and less nervousness, you’ll worry less and have more self-compassion … so many wonderful benefits of cultivating an Alpha state of mind. So take a gentle breath, and close your eyes. There you are.