I am done with “famous” healer-types rejecting science in misguided attempts to prove their schtick can beat Covid.
You know what? Fuck those people.
As you know, I do not ordinarily use that kind of language when referring to anyone (unless they are icky politicians), but people people people, it is unconscionable to encourage your “followers” to reject the vaccine in favor of whatever practice you espouse. Nobody has any anti-bodies for this thing, and millions of people are dying because of it, and you want to prove a point? Shame, shame, shame.
Energy medicine can produce miraculous results, absolutely. Or energy medicine can complement other therapies, allowing the body to relax so that those therapies are more effective. Or energy medicine can simply make things more bearable. Nothing is guaranteed. Each human is completely different from every other human, and all of us respond differently, sometimes from one session to the next. And what I might call miraculous might be “huh?” to somebody else. And big flashy miracles are often not necessarily permanent miracles.
What I want is for my clients to thrive. And sometimes that means using a pharmaceutical product to change something in the body chemistry so healing can happen. Jeeze, I take lots of herbs and supplements to help my body make it through the day! No “pharmaceuticals” in the strictest sense, but definitely some intervention going on here. Sometimes we need some help from Nature. And sometimes we also need help from Nurture. And sometimes, yes, we need help from Science.
If I have a bladder infection, I’m going to the doctor to get anti-biotics and no messing about. If I have pain in my body that prevents me from doing things that are important to me, I’m going to see a physical therapist. When I had cancer, I had surgery to remove the offending organ.
NeoPagan leader and feminist Starhawk got a lot of flack from her community when she got vaccinated, and her response is pretty much perfect:
What about herbal medicine and natural methods? Hey, I drink ginger tea whenever I feel fluish, or chomp on turkey tail mushrooms, and that generally works fine for me. I have a good, strong immune system.
But Covid-19 is not the flu. It’s something our immune systems have not yet evolved to deal with.
When Europeans arrived on this continent, the indigenous people of the Americas were amazing herbalists, incredibly skilled healers, extremely knowledgeable about all the medicines of the land, and they ate completely wild, nutrient dense organic food—but they had never developed immunities to European diseases and tens of millions died.
For that matter, the old Witches of Europe were damn good herbalists but that wasn’t much help, either, against the bubonic plague. I’m not arrogant enough to think that I’m in their league, anyway.
Amen! Preach! That is IT, and she’s so completely right. Smallpox and bubonic plague – not to mention Spanish Flu – were all alien to our immune systems, just like Covid, and so many people died. So many. And now, we have a simple tool that moderates the severity of the disease so that most people who get it don’t have to die, or endure the fate-worse-than-death of Long Covid, and some so-called healers are listening to their egos instead of allowing Science to help us win this thing. There is a special place in Hell …
Are we on a healing mission or not? Do we want our clients to thrive or do we just want to prove our way is best?
I know my answer. Jab my arm and call me Sally.