You’ve probably seen a lot of your favorite local healers putting out the word that they can do distance or remote sessions that are just as effective as in-person sessions.
Anyone who does Reiki can tell you about distance healing. There’s a special symbol for it and everything. But nearly every energy modality, including sound healing, can work in a remote session, which is a beautiful thing.
But a lot of folks don’t understand it – yet – because it’s pretty far out on the esoteric frontier for the mainstream here in the US. So let’s change that. I’m going to give you a really simple explanation of why energy healing works remotely, and you can feel free to post it, share it, and send it to friends and family who you think might benefit from some energy healing.
- Intention is EVERYTHING. To borrow an image from the great Dr. John Beaulieu, if sound is a healing arrow, intention is the bow. Do not pull on that bowstring until you have aimed that arrow right where you want it to go, otherwise you’ll be wasting a whole lot of energy. But it works both ways; if you set a healing intention before doing damn near anything at all, you are likely to get some kind of healing result. Maybe not from doing the dishes or watching reruns of I Love Lucy, but you get what I mean. Set an intention before focused breathing exercise, before meditation, before Yoga. Before practicing the piano. What the hell, try it before you do the dishes too and see what happens, you really never know. Setting an intention assures that with your focused attention and genuine desire to heal or be healed, the healing energy will land where you aimed it.
- You are not your body. In case you missed all of the 6,799 memes about how we are not bodies having a spiritual experience but actually spirits having a physical experience, well, I’m here to tell ya now, you are a lot more than the bag of bones and water you’re walking around in. Face it, if the body was the actual point of existence, it would have been a lot less messy and would have come with a much more robust warranty. (Seriously, I would like to talk to the supervisor of whoever designed the sinuses. If I ever find out who is responsible for this snot I will go full Karen see if I don’t.) The point is, it’s true what the shamans and the yogis and the gnostics and nearly all the other mystics have been saying for at least 6000 years now – we’re not our bodies, we just drive them around until we have to return them to the rental place. That’s it. Our glorious energetic forms incarnate in these rather ungainly flesh suits in order to experience the limitations of being a physical being. Our energy bodies are amazing, even though they are but pale reflections of the smallest part of our wholeness. And when we learn to live life with our energy bodies in charge, life gets much much bigger and better. I hear you asking, “Isn’t figuring this stuff out cheating?” Damn straight! But it’s okay, because once we figure this out then our job is to help as many other people as possible figure it out, too.
- Medical scientists have known about some aspects of the energy body for decades. Ever had an EKG? Had your brain waves recorded and analyzed? Or maybe had a kidney stone blasted with sound waves? Then you have experienced energy medicine, doctor style. Our electro-magnetic fields extend beyond our bodies for three-to-six feet (generally), and yes, medical science has found ways to measure certain parts of it in order to diagnose certain conditions. So yeah, they know. But it is like what Einstein used to call “spooky action at a distance,” and it makes no sense and there’s no controlling it by conventional means (huh, sorta like Nature), so they just ignore it and try to simply treat the body, which is like a using a fingertip bandage on a leg amputation. Don’t even bother asking your doctor about your energy body. They will just write you a prescription for Xanax or some shit.
- Energy does not need anything to move it from one place to another – I can think about putting my hand on your arm, and my energy body instantly puts a hand on your arm. In fact, in some cases, faster than instantly. Light speed is nothing compared to the speed of connected, intentional thought. Speaking of spooky action at a distance, this is exactly what that is. Stuff Einstein couldn’t explain (at the time) which was no less real for it, even though he got his knickers into a pretty big twist about it. The real name is quantum entanglement, and it basically means that two or more particles have interacted in such a way that the quantum state of each particle can’t be described independently of the state of the others, even when they are separated by vast distances of interstellar space. It’s complicated, but what you need to know is, we are all connected to each other in a vast web of energy along which information and energy moves at speeds which make the speed of light look like a Sunday driver. When I, a healer, hold you, a client, in my thoughts, and set an intention to make a change in your biofield – with your permission of course – when I execute whatever action I need to do to make that change happen, it happens in real time no matter where on the planet you are relative to me. There are many many books on quantum entanglement that you can find to explain the sciency bits to you if you are curious.
Energy healing is essential to our total health. I cannot stress this enough. You’ve heard the saying, As Above, So Below? When the energy body experiences trauma (frequently at the same time the physical body does, only nobody does anything to treat the energy body), the energy of that trauma stays stuck in the field, and over time can cause physical pain, cancer in an organ associated with the relative chakra, or mental anguish, fear/anxiety/panic, depression, insomnia or nightmares (or both), accident proneness, physical weakness, or other vulnerabilities that can cause the body to suffer. An energy healer can remove the blockage, heal the wound, stop the energy bleed, smooth out the jagged bits, and help bring the biofield back into harmony so the body can get back into harmony. If the soul is out of tune, the body is out of tune, and our energy bodies are the Earthly manifestations of our true selves, those gorgeous and eternal souls that are really driving this body bus.
So yes, energy healing at a distance really does work, in real time, extremely effectively. Do your self a favor: Support your local energy healer by scheduling a tune-up before you head back out into the world to take your chances with this gawdawful virus we have on our hands. They will seal up any holes or wounds that would make you more vulnerable, and make sure you are vibrating at a higher frequency than the virus can stand. Even if you do end up being exposed and becoming ill, your investment in your energy body will pay off in a shorter, gentler infection.