LightWorkers and healers often struggle with our own health challenges, but we don’t like to admit it. We think that if we’re not perfectly healthy then why would anyone want to come to us for healing?
Truth: Wounded Healers are the most powerful. Our pain and dis-ease make us have more empathy and deeper understanding of what’s going on with you, which means we are better able to help you.
We can’t always heal ourselves. I seek out sisters regularly to work on me, because I can’t work on me the way I can work on you. Yes, I can put tuning forks on myself and gain benefits from that, and I can listen to singing bowls and chant with them, but the big key to sound healing is getting down into a beautiful, helplessly relaxed state where you couldn’t move if Godzilla was attacking. I cannot do that for me. I can’t lay on my table and play bowls around me in the room to create a sound bath that I can just sink into. I can play all those sounds for myself, and I do frequently, but I can’t get to the nitty-gritty for me–and maybe that’s by design.
Most medical intuitives can’t diagnose themselves, and most healers can’t work on themselves, for many similar reasons to what I have stated above. The best kind of healing comes from within, absolutely, but getting to “within” to do the work requires help from “without” for most of us.
Full disclosure time: I have been dealing with a particularly nasty strain of HPV since 2004. On and off. I’ve had several pre-cancerous tumors, and have had too many bits of my lady parts sliced away. I’m going in today to have another bit sliced away. This doesn’t make me at all happy, but I am doing what I can to be thankful that once again it has been detected before things got out of control, and grateful for the opportunity to clear some Karmic Debt through suffering. For some reason, my immune system just won’t clear this crap, and to me, that feels like Karma. Well, alrighty then, let’s kick it up a notch.
I’ve had some help from some of my healing sisters to prepare for this, and I’m as ready as I’m gonna get. But today feels awkward and ungainly, and it doesn’t fit me as well as I’d like. C’est la vie. On we go.
By the time you, dear Reader, are reading this, I will be up dancing the Mambo. This is just where my head is at today, and I might not be up to writing a blog post one minute before Tuesday at 4:44AM CST when this link usually goes out to my subscribed readers.
Love, Light and Sound Health to every single one of us.
UPDATE: Procedure went perfectly, very little pain or discomfort at all, spent the afternoon on the couch reading and dozing, woke up this morning feeling nearly okay, there’s just an awareness that something is different, but no pain at all. Thank you to ALL my healing sisters! Love beyond reckoning to each and every one!
Sending you love!!
Aw, thanks! Everything is fine now, and it wasn’t too bad at all. I could totally dance the mambo if I knew how. Hugs and love to you!