Words spill onto unspoiled white
and where one there was nothing
a new world is born
Words fall from lips into an empty room
and where one there was silence
ideas form
Words slip between fingers
and where once there was anguish
there is relief
Words show up in the damndest places
and where once there was boredom
there is curiosity
Words are alive, no less than you or me
They have meaning, and purpose
They can soothe a troubled child
Ease a worried mind
Heal a friend in need
Bless a humble meal
Or create something that endures
Words have incredible power
Choose them wisely
And use them even more so
For in the beginning there was only
The Word
As you make and refine your goals and desires for 2019, remember that words have incredible power, and choose carefully. Here are a few pointers on turning resolutions into affirmations.
- I AM is much more powerful than “I want” or “I will” or “I need.” Instead of, “I want to get a new job,” how about: I AM loving my job, because it fits me like a glove, pays me well, and makes me happy. Instead of “I want a boy/girlfriend:” I AM deeply in love and moving into a brilliant future. Or “I have got to lose this stupid weight,” becomes “I AM in vibrant, glowing health and harmony with my body.”
- Don’t make a resolution if you don’t mean it. Halfhearted stuff you write down because you think you ought to is just going to clog up your life and keep you from getting the good stuff you really want. If the only reason to put a resolution on the page is because somebody else wants you to do it, don’t.
- Quitting smoking, drinking or drugs isn’t going to happen because you make a resolution. It’s just going to compound the guilt. You could say something more like, I breathe only clean, pure air into my lungs; I nourish my body with healthy food and clean water; I honor my mind and treat it kindly.
- Believe what you write. Get your mind right, get the words right, and believe what you say and magic will happen.
- If you break ’em, they weren’t right for you. Unrealistic resolutions are useless, so let ’em go, and don’t stress if they don’t happen. If it’s really important to you, slow down, choose your words carefully, and mean what you say.
Be kind to yourself, don’t over-reach, and think about how you want your life to feel. Think about what’s really important to you – not what your mother wants you to do, or not who your partner thinks you are – think about what you want and need to reach your highest well-being and choose your words carefully. Then make it so.
Bright blessings, and sound health in the New Year.