Sound Support Series

Introducing: Sound Relief Now

Pocket-sized packets of sound therapy that you can take with you everywhere.

True story: One afternoon a client came for her appointment while having a straight-up, full-out panic attack. Her skin was clammy and pasty, lips tinging toward blue, breathing labored and ragged, almost asthmatic, eyes looked black, couldn’t even speak. I pointed to the table and helped her settle in, and started doing my thing. Within five minutes – five minutes – her breathing calmed, her skin turned pink, no more black eyes, no more blue lips, and then she fell asleep and slept like a baby for the rest of the  session.

When I gently helped her wake up after the hour, she was her usual giggly happy self and was even able to talk about what had triggered her without getting triggered again.

I thought, holy crap this is powerful medicine. And the fact that she went from complete dysfunction to complete bliss in five minutes inspired me to create these little five-minute sound therapy recordings, to help others get to a point where they can do what they need to do to take care of themselves.

These are not substitutes for any medications or ongoing therapies, and they’re definitely not a cure. But medication takes time to dissolve and hit your bloodstream, and sound is instant help. These are little emergency back-pocket home-remedies that really work, that are simplicity itself to use when you need them.

Relief can be no further away than your phone. Sound Relief NOW sound therapy recordings are five-minute mini-sessions that you can download to your phone, tablet, or computer, and listen whenever you need them. They can give you a little added boost, some gentle support, or relief in a real crisis, like a panic attack, or on days when you are struggling to even get out of bed.

Download the recording to your phone, and it’ll be ready when you need it. All you have to do is put in some earbuds, play the recording, and close your eyes. That’s it. The sound will do the rest, no muss, no fuss. It actually could not be any simpler at all.

Because, let’s face it, life is incredibly messy and stressful. Many people are feeling terrified, hopeless, enraged, or overwhelmed. Sometimes we need just a little edge, just a small light in the darkness to allow us to do the work, or play, in front of us.

Because, let’s face it, life is incredibly messy and stressful. Many people are feeling terrified, hopeless, enraged, or overwhelmed. Sometimes we need just a little edge, just a small light in the darkness to allow us to do the work, or play, in front of us.

This is emergency intervention, not a lasting solution. But when you need help NOW, you can have it in your pocket. Slip on the  earbuds, close your eyes and breathe. That’s it. The healing sound will do the rest.

*Please read our charming and entertaining Disclaimers, Terms and Conditions for some common sense, a disclaimer or two, and a handful of cautions.


When listening to the sound files, I felt the tension in my body melt away. Sigh of relief! I was finally able to sleep that night! I could relax! Alma has what a lot of master healers have, a special gift to be able to tap into the subtle energies and bring forth healing forces for those who are willing to accept these gifts.
Anxiety Relief Now
. . .my neck gets the sensation of melting and gets so deeply relaxed, and the sounds soothe my right ear from pain and other issues I’ve had with it.
- HS
Sound Bite custom recording

Stress Relief Now

A general cool down and tonic for your biofield; a relaxing, restorative break in your busy day. Take five minutes to recharge your whole body with peaceful, healing sound.

Suggested intentions:

  • “I am calm and peaceful.”
  • “My breathing is easy, my heartbeat is slow.”
  • “I comfort myself naturally and easily.”
  • “I am safe and secure.”

Anxiety/Panic Relief Now

The notes C and F together signal the amygdala to relax and stop the Fight/Fright/Freeze response. Octaves soothe the nervous system, and the Perfect Fifth is a signal to the vagus nerve that everything is alright. These sounds can help you regain your equilibrium quickly, safely, and efficiently. It’s like, here comes the cavalry for your nervous system.

Suggested intentions:

  • “It is safe to be calm, and I am safe now.”
  • “I am at peace.”
  • “I am loved and supported in this moment.”

Fatigue Relief Now

For those times when you just can’t keep your eyes open, but you really need to, here’s a quick pick-me-up without the caffeine. In fact, by the time you’re done listening to this you might just be dancing in your chair.

Suggested intentions:

  • “I am awake and alert.”
  • “I am focused and energetic.”
  • “I have all the energy I need to get through this day.”

Insomnia Relief Now

Insomnia is one of the  biggest drains on our energy, and it can happen for an infinity of reasons, from  worry to monkey-mind to oops, I didn’t mean to have a cup of coffee after noon. Whatever the reason, it’s makes for a terrible night, and worrying about not sleeping just makes it worse.

Suggested intentions:

  • “I get all the sleep I need or want.”
  • “When I wake up tomorrow I will be fully rested.”
  • “My sleep is deep and healing.”

Depression Relief Now

Sometimes it’s ridiculously hard to get out of bed. Self-care goes by the wayside. Sound therapy is incredibly healing for people with depression, even five minutes of it. The goal with this intervention is just to get you moving, not to change your entire life and outlook. Just one step forward, sometimes that’s all it takes.

Suggested intentions:

  • “I am strong and capable.”
  • “I have the will and the strength to meet this day.”
  • “I feel good today.”

Cravings Relief Now

I get cravings for salty, crunchy stuff in the afternoons, and if I start, I’m doomed. Best to stay away from the kitchen altogether and keep myself busy. Or use some sound healing to make it stop. Maybe it’s a distraction, or maybe this combination of frequencies does something to interrupt the hungries, I don’t know, but I’ll take all the help I can get, and I’ll bet you will, too.

Suggested intentions:

  • “I am comfortable being a little hungry after and between meals.”
  • “I am satisfied with the healthy lunch/supper I had today.”
  • “I feel light and healthy and good.”

Sound Bites

20-minute custom sound therapy recordings, designed for your specific intention. It’s a true collaboration. We have a little visit, I check your chakras, we spend a little time talking about how you’re doing and what you need, and I create a sound therapy recording for you that will support you in your ongoing healing journey. Then I send you a file that you can download and listen to daily, or weekly, or whatever feels right for you, as long as you need it.

Some potential uses: managing insomnia, help with focus and concentration, overcoming depression, support for weightloss or workout motivation, easing the struggle with meditation, support for pain management, End of Life support, ongoing stress management, anger management, recovery for a stressed nervous system . . . and nearly anything else you can think of. Let’s talk about it and make a plan.

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