Light Language

Let Me Introduce You to Your Own Librarian of Light.
Light Language is part of the ancient inheritance of the Maya. No one knows exactly how long it has been practiced, because time and Time are two very different things, and Light Language seems to belong more to Time than to time, and is presumably as old as Light. Which is pretty darn old, at least billions of years by the reckoning of time, and Long Long Ago by the reckoning of Time, which is more or less the same thing, only different.
Confused yet? No? Hang on. We’ll get there.
Light Language is one of the most powerful healing forces in this Universe, but it can also be used to correct wrong realities and make things easier and help you tell the Universe what you want in any of the myriad areas of your life. For big transformations or tiny tweaks, it’s just plain magic. The Universe doesn’t speak English or any other language; it speaks Emotion, or Desire, or Need, but only when you feel those things very sincerely.
But it also speaks Light and Sacred Geometry.
Sacred Geometry goes way way back, was developed in the West by good old Pythagoras, who was also responsible for mathemetizing musical scales. The Pythagorean Scale also figures into the Fibonacci sequence … but my point is, our ancestors were way smarter than we give them credit for being, and even without benefit of Pythagorus, came up with a system of shapes that communicated intention to the Gods, and combined them with frequencies of light, also known as colors, that sharpened that intention even further, so codes could be sent into the Universal Flow that would cause things to happen that would deliver the result desired in record time.
For example, I wanted a harp, a really good harp, and there was no way in the three realms that I could afford one, but … I wrote a Light Language grid thanking the Universe for my harp, and within two weeks – two weeks – a harp showed up in my world that I had access to and could afford to buy. Two. Weeks. For a really good harp, that’s crazy!
And that’s the power of Light Language. Crazy, fast, and true.
So what does any of that have to do with a Librarian?
The first step in a Light Language journey is nearly always a Personal Chakra Grid. This is a simple 12-shape and color vertical grid that … basically hangs out in your aura, managing the light you’re putting out, filtering out what you don’t want to take in, and attracting what you need and desire, very much like a Librarian would behave if you asked them for something.
There are 80 shapes we can choose from, and 153 colors, so it is next to impossible that any two grids are going to be alike. We build them together, you and me and ultimately, our Librarian. We talk about what you need to let go of or no longer want to attract; we talk about what you want to accomplish, heal or change in your life to make things fit you better; and we talk about how you want to interact with your highest self and the Divine – and then I will work with my knowledge and understanding of how the shapes and colors work together, with some input from all the Light Language Practitioners that have ever been, directing me, helping me find just the right shade of green, or simply cheering me on if it’s a really good day.
Hmm? Oh, yes, absolutely. The Light Language Lineage is the most powerful part of it – made up of all the Lineage Holders and Tradition Keepers and Light Weavers from every time and place. They are an opinionated and noisome crew sometimes, but when they hop in, holy buckets do the shapes fly! And holy buckets, talk about getting what you really need! When new practitioners are initiated into Light Language by our teachers, we gain access to the Lineage. The shapes and colors are important, but honestly, it’s the Lineage that gives it the special sauce.
So you, me, and a thousand-plus generations of Light Language speakers will build you a Librarian that will do everything in their power to make your life the best adventure it can possibly be: enhancing the good, protecting you from the bad, and helping you create whatever it is you truly desire.
Sound interesting? You have no idea. Want to turbo charge your ability to manifest the life you want? Click the button and let’s get started! – or read on for more information.
What happens once I have my Personal Chakra Grid?
Well, love, you start to notice things. You realize that a certain troublesome someone is scarcely around; you notice that your boss is treating you less like a recalcitrant fourth grader and more like an actual colleague; you notice the cutie in the lab is … noticing you when you have to drop in for some reason. You notice that you feel the bad stuff less, and that there is less of it to feel, too.
This is the magic of your Librarian. It’s nothing flashy, there isn’t a parade or a fanfare, but over a few weeks you just … realize that your life has quietly gotten better. Things on your to-do list are being ticked off. Things that you want are showing up. You are attracting people into your life who actually value you for who you are.
This is great stuff, and terrifying stuff – but the question is, what do I do now?
There are so many things you could do – but the short answer is, you now have a turbo–charged manifestation engine in your aura purring along nicely, so why not use the crap out of it?
Light Language doesn’t end with Personal Chakra Grids. Good lord no. We’re just getting started. There are two main styles of grids that can be created – and neither of these requires you to have a PCG, but they are so much more effective if you do that it’s well worth the initial investment.
The most common grid we write is the 49-shape grid. I have written grids to ensure successful concerts, to ensure successful surgeries (my surgery grids are legend), for healing and manifestion, to increase my income and grow my business, or achieve whatever goal I am working toward.
Each 49-shape grid requires the writing of a second 49-shape grid to pay for the energy of the main one – so if I write a goal grid or a finance grid, I must also write a Community Grid to give something back to the world where the energy is going to come from to manifest my desire. Community grids are all about things like helping your favorite charity raise some money, helping a good and honorable person win a local election, or attracting more alcohol-free spaces to your community. Maybe your town needs a pool or a community theater space. Maybe your kid’s school needs a new roof, or a bigger band and choir space. We can write a grid for that!
The other kind of grid is a 144-shape grid, but those are uffda incarnate and for very very big picturey stuff. And we charge a lot for them because they take days to do – and of course you have to write two of them, to pay for the energy for what you desire to change. But, if you really need something huge to happen, we can do it.