Friends! I’d like you to meet the heretofore “silent” partner in SoundWorks, my best girl, the Crowley to my Aziriphale, the always delightfully mischievous Laura Kraemer!
Laura has multiple advanced certifications in Light Language as well as Reiki, and studies Sigil Magic. She is training in sound healing aesthetics, including tuning fork facelifts, weight loss, and hair regrowth programs. We are looking forward to offering these unique and incredibly effective services for you!
Laura has taken on the responsibilities of COO here at SoundWorks, and will be making sure stuff happens and things get done, which is her job description, verbatim, I swear.
Look for more Laura updates here, and very soon, links to her own scheduling calendar as she begins to take on more clients of her own! If you are interested in Light Language or Sigil Magic for your health, home and prosperity, contact Laura at laura@soundworkshealingarts.com.