Intuitive Vibrational Wellness
Energy Healing Works
Have you heard the old saying about how we’re not human beings having an energy experience, but energy beings having a human experience? It’s kind of hard to miss it these days, there are so many memes.
But it’s actually 100% accurate. We are energy beings stuck in sacks of mostly water navigating through this crazy physical thing which is really not natural at all, and trying our best to figure out how the unholy hell we got here and why. Which is where energy healing comes in, actually.
Finding your purpose in life heals a multitude of wounds, but many times, it’s not possible to discover your mission until you have done some major energetic healing. We are blessed with a nearly overwhelming array of healing modalities that can support that healing journey, from sound healing to massage to Reiki to Healing Touch to Yoga to TM to . . . well, the sky isn’t even the limit, to be honest. It’s just a thing that interacts with light and makes it look blue.
But energy healing in particular is having a real resurgence. It’s pretty out-there stuff, sure, but that’s only if you are looking at things with our post-modern materialist bias. Just because you can’t measure magic doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Two energy modalities, Healing Touch and Reiki, have entered the mainstream through hospice and hospital programs, which is fantastic.
There is something powerful to this, and boy, we sure don’t understand it at all in any scientific way, but intuitively, we get it. Hey, you did that thing and I feel better now. And it’s instantaneous, sometimes even faster. Energy healing is not exactly subject to the physical laws of linear time and space, but that’s a concept for a whole blog post. Stay tuned. Stated simply, energy healing happens as soon as the healer decides to do it. Like, now. Or even Now.
If you struggle with stuff conventional medical practitioners don’t understand, take seriously, or believe is even a thing, energy healing is definitely for you. Those are exactly the conditions we’re most passionate about. But we also work with stress and anxiety management, pain control, substance abuse recovery, PTSD, depression, low-energy syndromes, ADHD, auto-immune conditions, genetic disorders, and general health and well-being. If you feel great and want to feel even better, we’re ready to help you do that.
Energy healing is big-picture stuff. As previously mentioned, it’s not subject to linear time, so your energy healing journey might start with ancestors many generations back. It might start before you were born, agreeing to a Soul Contract that didn’t go according to plan. It might start with a childhood memory that makes no sense. It might start with the tiniest thing, a literal molehill that got twisted up and turned into a mountain. We won’t know until we dig in.
Intrigued? Read on.

What to expect from SoundWorks intuitive vibrational healing
Every healer is unique, finding ways to facilitate healing for clients in creative and inventive ways, combining myriad modalities, using tools like a pendulum, automatic writing, or invoking angelic assistance. Every method has merit. Here’s what you can expect if you work with me.
We start with a couple emails, set up an appointment, and at that time I will call you on the phone. We’ll talk for a little bit, and then depending on your comfort level (and battery level, too) we can either stay connected by phone as I work or we can hang up and I will call you back when I’m done. I prefer to stay connected to you, even if we don’t actually talk to each other, because I feel like the connection is stronger, and if you experience discomfort, pain, emotional overwhelm, or otherwise, you can immediately reach out and we can work on it in real time; or if I am directed to ask you to breathe in a certain way, or use a mantra, I can tell you right away. That has been known to happen with energy work. It’s not all blissful swanning about the Universe; there’s a reason they call it energy work.
I am both clairaudient and clairsentient, and will receive a lot of data when I ask a question of a specific guide, entity, ancestor or other helpful spirit who might be offering input. I start with an assessment, very similar to what I would do in an in-person sound healing session, to get a picture of what your energy centers are up to, and who is available for me to talk to (guides, angels, ancestors, spirits, ghosts, attachments, and even occasionally the actual client). I will ask a lot of questions, write a lot of stuff down, and then I’ll get to work on each specific issue. For these sessions, I draw from all the training I have ever done, including BioMagnetic Touch Therapy, Reiki, Light Language, sound healing, sometimes even Tarot comes into it, and whatever else I am guided to do at the time; and I use my training and my skills to deliver the healing to you through our energetic connection.
During the 45-60 minutes that I am working on you, your job is to rest, relax, do some gentle breathwork, or take a nap. I have a client in Australia that I always work on at around 4AM her time, when she’s sound asleep. It works just fine.
This sounds pretty simple, and it is — and it isn’t. I’ve trained for years to do this, so it is rather like breathing for me at this point. But if I have learned one thing through all the training I have done, it is this: This stuff goes better when you don’t think about it too much. Just allow it to happen, and trust in the passion and the vision and the mission that got you to this point. I do this work because I am not happy if I am not making some piece of the world better in some way, and I have worked hard to get good at it. I know what I’m doing, and I trust my resources and my training so you can feel safe trusting me.

Book your appointment
Visit our contact page to find a date for your appointment, and then wait for an email from me, within a day or so, to talk about what your needs are.
Financial investment
SoundWorks has adopted a Pay What You Can system of pricing. Sessions were formerly $75, but I will accept whatever you can afford – because I know you’ll pay it forward. If you can afford the former price or more, you will make it easier for me to work with people who are financially struggling, and I appreciate you.
Yes, there will be after-care and homework, which is vital for you to thrive. It won’t be arduous, and it won’t go on your “permanent record.” It’ll just make you feel good and give you more energy.